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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

19/01/2014  Class 4  Shatin  Turf  A+3  1000m   Going: GOOD  (2.7)   Rating: 060 - 040   Section Time: (13.41)  (21.39)  (22.58)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 4 SUPER ABUNDANTE J Moreira Y S Tsui 5 128 55 3-1/2 0:57:38 4.5 3 -1 -1 13.45  21.35  22.58 
2 8 REGENCY HO HO D Whyte T P Yung 13 125 52 3-1/2 0:57:92 2.3 4 -4 -2 13.65  21.35  22.92 
3 1 SEASONS STAR M Guyon A S Cruz 12 133 60 5 0:58:16 3.8 6 -6 -3 13.69  21.35  23.12 
4 2 FLASHING GUY M Demuro K L Man 10 129 56 5 0:58:17 52 10 -8 -4 14.09  21.11  22.97 
5 6 HAPPEN FOR REASON N Callan P F Yiu 9 125 52 6-3/4 0:58:47 19 9 -3 -5 13.89  21.11  23.47 
6 10 AMAZING GIFT Z Purton A Schutz 1 123 50 7-1/2 0:58:59 33 11 -9 -6 14.17  21.03  23.39 
7 14 LA COTE DE BLEU M Chadwick P O'Sullivan 3 115 42 8-1/4 0:58:69 99 12 -12 -7 14.25  21.23  23.21 
8 5 FIONN'S PRIDE H W Lai K W Lui 8 123 52 9-3/4 0:58:93 13 7 -11 -8 13.73  21.71  23.49 
9 13 XI YING MEN C Y Lui Y S Tsui 7 119 53 11 0:59:15 23 2 -2 -9 13.41  21.43  24.31 
10 3 GLORY HORSIE C K Tong D Cruz 11 127 56 11-1/2 0:59:23 93 5 -7 -10 13.69  21.39  24.15 
11 9 SOLAR SPIRIT B Prebble L Ho 2 125 52 12 0:59:31 19 8 -10 -11 13.85  21.59  23.87 
12 7 MONEY CAFE K C Ng C H Yip 4 120 52 18-1/2 1:00:35 99 13 -13 -12 14.77  21.31  24.27 
13 11 LINMANIA K C Leung C W Chang 14 121 50 26 1:01:54 68 1 -5 -13 13.41  21.63  26.50 
13 HEARTILY TALK C Y Lui A Lee 7 111 45 --
12 AMERICAN FAME A Suborics C S Shum 6 120 47 --

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
HEARTILY TALK was withdrawn on 18.1.14 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right hind) and was replaced by Standby Declared Starter XI YING MEN (Apprentice C Y Lui). Before being allowed to race again, HEARTILY TALK will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. On arrival at the saddling stalls, AMERICAN FAME was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said in his opinion the horse was lame in the left front leg and accordingly was not suitable to race. Acting on this advice, the Stewards ordered the withdrawal of AMERICAN FAME. Before being allowed to race again, AMERICAN FAME will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. Just prior to the start being effected, MONEY CAFE became fractious and as the start was effected reared and lost a considerable amount of ground. Before being allowed to race again, MONEY CAFE will be required to perform satisfactorily in an official barrier trial. LA COTE DE BLEU was slow to begin. FLASHING GUY began awkwardly and then shortly after the start was bumped by HAPPEN FOR REASON which shifted out. SEASONS STAR began awkwardly and shortly after the start was crowded for room between GLORY HORSIE and REGENCY HO HO which shifted in. For some distance after this, SEASONS STAR and REGENCY HO HO became unbalanced after making solid contact on a number of occasions. After travelling a short distance, HAPPEN FOR REASON was steadied away from the heels of GLORY HORSIE which shifted in. For some distance after the 600 Metres and again passing the 500 Metres, REGENCY HO HO, which was travelling keenly, was awkwardly placed close to the heels of XI YING MEN. Near the 300 Metres, FLASHING GUY was steadied and shifted to the inside of HAPPEN FOR REASON after being disappointed for running to the outside of that horse where there was doubtful room. For the majority of the race, SOLAR SPIRIT got its head on the side and hung out. The performance of LINMANIA, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, LINMANIA will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in an official barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of SOLAR SPIRIT immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SUPER ABUNDANTE and REGENCY HO HO were sent for sampling.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user