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Gambling Exclusive

Gambling Exclusive GX - www.gamblingexclusive.com

「GX中文」是全球領先的男士博彩品味雜志「GX」(Reg. No 6144773)旗下的中文版(月刊)。「GX」密切關注全球層出不窮的博彩盛世,並且以其獨一無二的視角在全球市場占有一席之地。同時「GX」中精彩的生活,時尚,文化內容為「GX」的成功打下了堅實的基礎。雜志擁有西班牙文,德文,英文(美國),英文(英格蘭、愛爾蘭),中文(香港,台灣,澳門)五個版本。五個版本各自擁有不同的本土化視角,旨在打造擁有不同地方特色的全球化的高端男士品味雜志。

GX is the leading international Poker, Betting and Lifestyle title for men aged 18 to 40. GX has been successfully producing a monthly magazine since 2006. Beginning in Germany, the monthly title is now also available in the UK, China, Spain and the United States. Sold at newsagents and other select retail locations nationwide, GX is also available to readers at a wide range of diverse locations including poker rooms, casinos, hotels and airport lounges.