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28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 1 Steward Report

28/05/2023  Griffins   Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating:   

After being loaded into the barriers, E GLORY became fractious. E GLORY was removed from the barriers, examined by the Veterinary Officer and passed suitable to race. Before being allowed to race again, E GLORY will be required to perform satisfactorily in a stalls test. SONIC BOOM was slow to begin. E GLORY jumped awkwardly and from the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. From a wide barrier, HAPPIHOOD was also shifted across behind runners in the early stages. After the 900 Metres, GREAT DAYS, which was racing keenly, was eased when crossed by HOLY LAKE. Approaching the 700 Metres, KAHOLO ANGEL commenced to race keenly when awkwardly placed behind SUPER BONUS. When the pace of the event steadied soon after, KAHOLO ANGEL, which continued to race keenly, was checked to avoid the heels of SUPER BONUS and then shifted out, resulting in GALLANT VALOUR being bumped and taken wider, causing GALLANT VALOUR to become unbalanced. The Stewards found that the pace steadying during that section of the race and the inexperience of KAHOLO ANGEL were the principal cause for the incident and therefore no action was taken against any rider. After the race, GALLANT VALOUR was found to have sustained a minor laceration to the right front leg. When questioned regarding the performance of KAHOLO ANGEL, C Y Ho reported that his mount raced keenly throughout the event and when placed under pressure in the Straight shifted ground and raced greenly. He added that it was not until HOLY LAKE improved to his outside near the 100 Metres that KAHOLO ANGEL commenced to race truly which he attributed to the horse appreciating racing to the inside of HOLY LAKE. A veterinary inspection of KAHOLO ANGEL immediately following the race found that horse to have blood at the right nostril. An endoscopic examination conducted on KAHOLO ANGEL found that there was no blood in its trachea and therefore the horse was deemed not to have bled. Near the 250 Metres, SONIC BOOM endeavoured to obtain clear running to the outside of HOLY LAKE but became held up on the heels of HOLY LAKE when that runner shifted out and away from GALLANT VALOUR which in turn shifted out slightly to avoid KAHOLO ANGEL which also shifted out. In this incident, GREAT DAYS was hampered and taken wider by SONIC BOOM. Approaching the 250 Metres, HAPPIHOOD was bumped by JOYFUL PROSPERITY when both runners shifted ground, resulting in HAPPIHOOD being steadied and directed to the inside of GREAT DAYS to secure clear running when GREAT DAYS shifted out. A veterinary inspection of E GLORY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. CHANCHENG GLORY, SUPER BONUS and HOLY LAKE were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 2 Steward Report

28/05/2023  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  2000m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 072-062  

ROMANTIC CHARM was withdrawn on 27.5.23 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right fore). Before being allowed to race again, ROMANTIC CHARM will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. SERANGOON jumped awkwardly and from a wide barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. S J TOURBILLON shifted out at the start and bumped TOTAL POWER. When questioned regarding his riding out of ABOVE over the concluding stages, H Bowman stated that when improving into a narrow run between HIT THE SHOT and S J TOURBILLON, ABOVE appeared reluctant to improve into that position. He added over the concluding stages when HIT THE SHOT shifted in slightly, he was obliged to stop riding for the final two strides as he was concerned that he may strike the heels of HIT THE SHOT due to that runner shifting ground. He said that whilst he acknowledged HIT THE SHOT did not fully cross his mount, nonetheless for safety reasons, he was obliged to take hold of ABOVE. After considering his explanation, the Stewards found H Bowman had acted reasonably given the position his mount was placed in. After the race, Apprentice Y L Chung (SERANGOON) reported that his mount found it difficult to make up ground from the rear of the field due to the pace gradually increased during the middle stages. A veterinary inspection of SERANGOON immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Also after the race, M Chadwick (CELTIC TIMES) stated that he was instructed to obtain cover on his mount in the early stages. He said when caught wide early, he was obliged to come further back to comply with his instructions and in the circumstances he was satisfied with his mount’s performance. A veterinary inspection of CELTIC TIMES immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. PACKING HURRICANE and HIT THE SHOT were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 3 Steward Report

28/05/2023    Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 040-013  

VAMOS jumped only fairly. LITTLE PLAYER shifted out at the start and bumped BIRDSVILLE, resulting in BIRDSVILLE shifting out and making contact with TURBO POWER which became unbalanced when bumped by BIRDSVILLE. Shortly after the start, FINGERS CROSSED shifted out and made contact with the hindquarters of HAPPY FOREVER which became unbalanced. Near the 1100 Metres, VAMOS commenced to race keenly and was steadied away from DASHING GENIUS before being shifted to that runner’s inside. Passing the 1100 Metres, BIRDSVILLE was steadied when crowded by TURBO POWER (Apprentice E C W Wong) which shifted in and away from SUNSHINE LEGENDARY. Apprentice Wong was reprimanded and advised that he would be required to make a greater effort to prevent his mounts from shifting ground when not clear. Approaching the 900 Metres, VAMOS improved to the inside of DASHING GENIUS (Apprentice Y L Chung) and then a short distance later was taken in by DASHING GENIUS, resulting in LITTLE PLAYER having to be steadied when crowded. Whilst the Stewards acknowledged that VAMOS had improved into a narrow run leading up to this incident, Apprentice Chung was advised in similar circumstances he should exercise more care. Making the first turn, DASHING GENIUS got its head up and lay out. Approaching the 500 Metres, THE GOOD DEAL shifted out to improve, making contact with FINGERS CROSSED and taking that runner wider. Near the 350 Metres, BIRDSVILLE had difficulty obtaining clear running when being directed to the outside of GOLDEN MISSION to improve. HAPPY FOREVER raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. After the race, K Teetan (DAY DAY RICH) reported that he was obliged to make use of his mount in the early stages to cross SURE WINNER and as a result DAY DAY RICH was left without a finishing effort. A veterinary inspection of DAY DAY RICH immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. When questioned regarding the performance of DASHING GENIUS, Apprentice Y L Chung stated that his mount was inclined to hang out throughout the race and when placed under pressure near the 250 Metres shifted out and was steadied away from the heels of HAPPY FOREVER, but he was disappointed with its finishing effort over the concluding stages. A veterinary inspection of DASHING GENIUS immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. THE GOOD DEAL and FINGERS CROSSED were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 4 Steward Report

28/05/2023  LV  Shatin  Turf  A  1000m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 097-080  

WE ARE HERO shifted out at the start and bumped PING HAI GALAXY. A short distance later, WE ARE HERO then bumped with NERVOUS WITNESS when both runners shifted ground. Shortly after the start, STOLTZ and WHIZZ KID bumped. Near the 200 Metres, NERVOUS WITNESS lay out and away from WE ARE HERO and bumped RUN RUN COOL. After the race, L Hewitson (NERVOUS WITNESS) could not offer any explanation for the disappointing performance of the horse. A veterinary inspection of NERVOUS WITNESS immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Also after the race, K Teetan (PING HAI GALAXY) reported that when he felt there was something amiss with his mount approaching the 350 Metres, he desisted from riding it out fully when not in a competitive position. A veterinary inspection of PING HAI GALAXY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of PING HAI GALAXY was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, PING HAI GALAXY will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. When questioned regarding the performance of WE ARE HERO, H Bowman stated that his mount did not travel as well as its previous race starts and after shifting to the inside of NERVOUS WITNESS near the 300 Metres to obtain clear running, WE ARE HERO, whilst not beaten far, did not show the same turn of foot as it had done at its most recent starts. He added that the increase in its rating and being up in class toady may have been the explanation as to why WE ARE HERO raced in such a manner. A veterinary inspection of WE ARE HERO immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. WE ARE HERO, STOLTZ and CARROLL STREET were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 5 Steward Report

28/05/2023  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 058-044  

AESTHETICISM was withdrawn on 27.5.23 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame left fore) and was replaced by Standby Declared Starter DAN ATTACK (L Ferraris). Before being allowed to race again, AESTHETICISM will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. DAN ATTACK undertook its required barrier trial on 16.5.23 with a hood on and accordingly was required to race with that gear. Trainer J Richards was fined the sum of $2,000 for failing to submit a gear change adding a hood to DAN ATTACK, a promoted runner in this race, by the required time. DAN ATTACK shifted in at the start and crowded MODULECONSTRUCTION. On jumping, CHAMPION INSTINCT was bumped by EASY TWO which shifted in. REGENCY BO BO was slow to begin. From a wide barrier, JOY FOR YOU was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. After the 800 Metres, TRUST ME was steadied when crowded between HERO ICON which shifted out when making the turn awkwardly and SMART FIGHTER (K C Leung) which shifted in. K C Leung was advised to exercise more care. TRUST ME then raced keenly in the middle stages for some distance after. GLUCK RACER also raced keenly in the middle stages and near the 600 Metres was steadied away from the heels of MODULECONSTRUCTION. HERO ICON was briefly held up near the 400 Metres when being shifted to the outside of MULTIDARLING to obtain clear running. Then near the 300 Metres, HERO ICON raced in restricted room between MULTIDARLING and SMART FIGHTER. Near the 300 Metres, GLUCK RACER was held up behind HUGE WIN and approaching the 250 Metres was then steadied when disappointed for running between HUGE WIN and DAN ATTACK which was commencing to give ground. As a result, GLUCK RACER did not secure clear running until near the 200 Metres. Near the 200 Metres, SOO FRESH was held up behind MR MAJESTIC for a short distance. HUGE WIN raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. After the race, Z Purton (TRUST ME) reported that from his wide barrier he was instructed to ride his mount conservatively to ensure that it found cover as TRUST ME had raced disappointingly when positioned up on the pace at its previous race starts. Trainer C H Yip confirmed the instructions issued and the reasons as to which such instructions were given to Jockey Purton. Also after the race, L Ferraris (DAN ATTACK) reported that whilst he was able to hold a forward position on his mount, DAN ATTACK, which was having its second race start, raced greenly and, in his opinion, would derive benefit from today’s race experience. A veterinary inspection of DAN ATTACK immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. MODULECONSTRUCTION and HERO ICON were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 6 Steward Report

28/05/2023  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 060-043  

GOAL ORIENTED was withdrawn on 27.5.23 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right fore) and was replaced by Standby Declared Starter BRAVE AND GOLD (K C Leung). Before being allowed to race again, GOAL ORIENTED will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. COMMANDING MISSILE jumped only fairly and then was bumped by SINGAPORE SUNSHINE which, after jumping awkwardly, was taken in by HIGH CLOUD. BRAVE AND GOLD also jumped only fairly and was brushed by CIRCUIT MIGHTY which shifted in. BRAVE AND GOLD was then shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Shortly after the start, URBAN TRIUMPH shifted out and bumped YELLOWFIN. From the outside barrier, DAILY TROPHY was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. URBAN TRIUMPH lost its right front plate in the early stages. After the 800 Metres, DRAGON STAR was left racing wide and without cover. Near the 700 Metres, SUPER WINNER, which was inclined to race keenly, shifted out before being corrected by its rider, Apprentice E C W Wong. When questioned, Apprentice Y L Chung (MASTER HERO) stated that his instructions were to hold a more forward position, but despite riding his mount along in the early stages to comply with his instructions, MASTER HERO did not show sufficient pace to do so. He added that near the 1000 Metres he elected to obtain a position with cover behind SINGAPORE SUNSHINE to avoid racing wide as his mount was not travelling well enough to hold a more forward position. He said after improving to the outside of BRAVE AND GOLD making the Home Turn, MASTER HERO was taken out slightly when BRAVE AND GOLD was taken out by SINGAPORE SUNSHINE. He further stated that once balanced at the top of the Home Straight, MASTER HERO ran on strongly under hard riding and, in his opinion, may be better suited by being stepped up in distance at its next race start. Following the race, B Avdulla (URBAN TRIUMPH) stated that his mount stopped quickly under pressure in the Straight and he could offer no excuse for the disappointing performance. A veterinary inspection of URBAN TRIUMPH immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of URBAN TRIUMPH, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, URBAN TRIUMPH will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. After the race, A Badel (WATCH BUDDY) reported that his mount, in his opinion, did not run out a strong 1400 Metres. Also after the race, L Ferraris (DRAGON STAR) reported that his mount made an abnormal breathing noise during the event. A veterinary inspection of DRAGON STAR immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. A veterinary inspection of SINGAPORE SUNSHINE immediately following the race which included an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse’s trachea. Before being allowed to race again, SINGAPORE SUNSHINE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of DAILY TROPHY and COMMANDING MISSILE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. YOUNG HORIZON, CIRCUIT MIGHTY and YELLOWFIN were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 7 Steward Report

28/05/2023  ST  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 059-043  

On jumping, SIMPLE HEDGE was checked when crowded by LOST CHILD which shifted in abruptly. WINNING DATA jumped only fairly, raced keenly in the early stages and for some distance after the 1000 Metres was steadied away from the heels of TOGEPI. At the 800 Metres, whilst continuing to race keenly, WINNING DATA shifted in and crowded LOST CHILD. SMART LEADER shifted in at the start and bumped SPANGLE FORTUNE. SMART LEADER was then shifted across behind runners in the early stages. From the outside barrier, FOREST GOLD was also shifted across behind runners in the early stages. BLUE MARLIN raced keenly and refused to settle in the early stages. Between the 400 Metres and the 300 Metres, VANTASTIC CHOICE was held up behind OSCAR GLORY. Near the 150 Metres, A Hamelin (VANTASTIC CHOICE) dropped his whip. Over the concluding stages, SIMPLE HEDGE was taken in slightly by PUBLICIST which raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. When questioned regarding the improved performance of SETANTA, Trainer D A Hayes stated that following its last start’s disappointing performance, he sent SETANTA to his Conghua stable to provide a new environment for the horse. He added that SETANTA was aided by being down in grade today, back up in distance to 1400 Metres and aided by a good ride from a wide barrier where SETANTA was able to obtain a position one off the fence with cover. After the race, M Chadwick (CHIU CHOW BROTHER) reported that his mount gave ground in the Straight after leading the event. A veterinary inspection of CHIU CHOW BROTHER immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. A veterinary inspection of PERFETTO and TOGEPI immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SIMPLE HEDGE, SETANTA and PUBLICIST were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 8 Steward Report

28/05/2023  Group One  Shatin  Turf  A  2400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 130-081  

NATURAL STORM was slow to begin. STRAIGHT ARRON jumped only fairly. FIVE G PATCH raced keenly in the early stages when being restrained for cover. Near the 200 Metres, PANFIELD and RUSSIAN EMPEROR brushed. After the race, M Chadwick (COLUMBUS COUNTY) reported that his mount was under pressure from the 600 Metres and failed to run on in the Straight. A veterinary inspection of COLUMBUS COUNTY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Also after the race, it was reported that RUSSIAN EMPEROR had shifted its right front plate. RUSSIAN EMPEROR and ROMANTIC WARRIOR were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 9 Steward Report

28/05/2023  LV  Shatin  Turf  A  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 098-081  

FLAGSHIP WARRIOR and THE GOLDEN SCENERY jumped only fairly. From the outside barrier, GALAXY WITNESS was shifted across behind runners in the early stages. Near the 1100 Metres, MAJESTIC COLOUR commenced to race keenly once crossed by GRATEFUL HEART and as a result was checked away from the heels of that runner and shifted out, making contact with STREET SCREAM which was hampered and taken wider. The Stewards accepted that the racing manners of MAJESTIC COLOUR were the principal reason for the incident occurring and therefore no action was taken. A Badel (ERIMO) was found guilty of a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that approaching the 1000 Metres he permitted his mount to shift in when not clear of RED LION, resulting in RED LION being taken in and causing THE GOLDEN SCENERY to be taken in across the running of FLAGSHIP WARRIOR, resulting in FLAGSHIP WARRIOR losing its running and being checked. In the circumstances, A Badel was suspended from riding in races for a period to commence on Sunday, 4 June 2023 and to expire on Thursday, 8 June 2023 on which day he may resume race riding (2 Hong Kong racedays). In addition, Jockey Badel was fined $55,000. Between the 200 Metres and the 50 Metres, FLAGSHIP WARRIOR was held up for clear running between ERIMO and THE GOLDEN SCENERY. Near the 75 Metres, ERIMO shifted in and bumped ATULLIBIGEAL, resulting in ATULLIBIGEAL shifting in and briefly crowding STREET SCREAM. Prior to the declaration of weighed-in, the Stewards considered as to whether there were grounds for a protest/objection against ATULLIBIGEAL being placed 4th after being bumped by ERIMO near the 75 Metres. The Stewards were satisfied that there were not sufficient grounds to do so and weighed-in was declared on the numbers semaphored by the Judge. SUNNY STAR raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. After the race, L Ferraris (SAUVESTRE), which was racing first up today, reported that his mount raced keenly in the lead and as a result was not able to finish the race off. A veterinary inspection of SAUVESTRE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Also after the race, H W Lai (MAJESTIC COLOUR) reported that his mount raced too keenly in the run and as a result was left without a finishing effort. A veterinary inspection of MAJESTIC COLOUR immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. RED LION and ERIMO were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 10 Steward Report

28/05/2023  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 077-060  

On arrival at the Start, it was noted that SUPERB BOY had shifted its left front plate. This plate was refitted. SUPERB BOY was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said in his opinion it was suitable to race. SOLID SHALAA was bumped at the start by SHINING FORTUNE which jumped awkwardly and shifted in. MAYHEM jumped awkwardly, raced keenly in the early stages and approaching the 900 Metres was steadied when it shifted in towards the heels of ETERNAL BLOOM. Near the 800 Metres, EIGHTY LIGHT YEARS (K C Leung) was steadied when racing tight to the inside of DANCING CODE. K C Leung reported that his mount over-reacted when positioned inside of DANCING CODE and this was the reason for his mount losing ground at that stage. After the 200 Metres, DANCING CODE was inclined to lay in and away from SUPERB BOY under pressure. When being corrected by its rider, C Y Ho, DANCING CODE shifted out abruptly near the 150 Metres and bumped SUPERB BOY. When questioned regarding his mount settling back in the field, Z Purton (SUPREME LUCKY) stated that from a wide barrier he had wanted to hold a more forward position, however, on jumping SUPREME LUCKY did not show sufficient pace to do so. He said when caught wide in the early stages and to the outside of GOOD BUDDY, he elected to take up a position behind that runner, anticipating that GOOD BUDDY would hold a midfield position. He added that when GOOD BUDDY did not obtain this position, he was then left racing towards the rear of the field and further back than what he had intended. He said that after riding his mount along on the Home Turn, he shifted to the outside of GOOD BUDDY whereby his mount ran on strongly. A veterinary inspection of SUPREME LUCKY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. A veterinary inspection of GOOD BUDDY and SHINING FORTUNE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. SUPREME LUCKY, BUNDLE OF CHARM and DANCING CODE were sent for sampling.

28/05/2023  Shatin  Race 11 Steward Report

28/05/2023  LT  Shatin  Turf  A  1600m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 075-061  

CAPITAL LEGEND jumped awkwardly. From outside barriers, CHING and POWERFUL WINGS were shifted across behind runners in the early stages. POWERFUL WINGS raced wide and without cover from the 900 Metres. WAR WEAPON was held up for a short distance near the 400 Metres. Making the Home Turn and in the early part of the Straight, SMILING COLLECTOR was held up behind CASA COSMO and did not obtain clear running until near the 300 Metres. When questioned regarding SMILING COLLECTOR settling back in the field, L Ferraris stated that after bumping with RUN RUN BUDDY at the start, he was quickly crossed by HAPPY TOGETHER and therefore was reluctant to ride his mount forward in the early stages. He said when positioned to the outside and behind WAR WEAPON, when WAR WEAPON remained one-off the rail, he allowed that runner to go forward of him with a view to improving to its inside in the early stages. He added that when he attempted to do so, he was bumped by CAPITAL LEGEND, which was positioned to his outside, which resulted in SMILING COLLECTOR racing keenly and therefore he was unable to shift inside WAR WEAPON. He further stated that when WAR WEAPON shifted to the rail near the 1200 Metres, he was then obliged to race towards the rear of the field and settled further back than intended. After the race, M Dee (NEVER TOO SOON) reported that with his mount stepping up in distance today, he was instructed to take up a forward position on NEVER TOO SOON. Trainer D J Hall confirmed the instructions issued. A veterinary inspection of NEVER TOO SOON immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. Also after the race, K C Leung (RUN RUN BUDDY) reported that his mount was pressured in the lead by NEVER TOO SOON and as a result was left without a finishing effort. A veterinary inspection of RUN RUN BUDDY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of RUN RUN BUDDY was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, RUN RUN BUDDY will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. Following the race, CHING was reported to have sustained a minor abrasion to the left front leg. A veterinary inspection of OWNERS’ PRAISE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. CHING and HELENE FEELING were sent for sampling.