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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 

14/10/2020  Class 4  Happy Valley  Turf  B  1200m   Going: GOOD  (2.71)   Rating: 057 - 044   Section Time: (23.48)  (23.35)  (23.40)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 3 BULLISH BROTHER C L Chau A S Cruz 3 118 54 1/2 1:10:23 20 3 -3 -1 23.76  23.31  23.16 
2 4 WHISKEY NEAT J Moreira C Fownes 8 127 53 1/2 1:10:31 3.5 2 -2 -2 23.56  23.35  23.40 
3 10 SHINING ON C Y Ho K W Lui 1 119 45 2 1:10:54 5.7 9 -8 -3 24.24  23.19  23.11 
4 6 CARRY THE DIAMOND C Schofield R Gibson 5 125 51 2-1/4 1:10:59 8 4 -5 -4 23.76  23.39  23.44 
5 8 SUPREME PLUS K Teetan F C Lor 12 121 47 2-1/2 1:10:62 23 10 -9 -5 24.40  23.07  23.15 
6 2 AMBITIOUS HEART N Callan D E Ferraris 6 128 54 3 1:10:72 12 6 -6 -6 23.96  23.27  23.49 
7 1 GLENEALY GENERALS Z Purton C H Yip 10 131 57 3 1:10:73 4.2 5 -7 -7 23.96  23.35  23.42 
8 12 REGENCY POET M Chadwick K L Man 9 118 44 3-1/2 1:10:80 17 7 -4 -8 24.12  22.95  23.73 
9 5 FEARLESS FIRE K H Chan D A Hayes 2 119 52 4 1:10:89 12 8 -10 -9 24.20  23.35  23.34 
10 9 DESTINE JEWELLERY A Badel J Size 4 119 45 4-3/4 1:10:99 38 12 -11 -10 24.52  23.15  23.32 
11 11 HAPPY TANGO A Hamelin D J Whyte 11 118 44 6-1/2 1:11:29 41 11 -12 -11 24.48  23.43  23.38 
12 7 HAPPILY FRIENDS K C Leung K H Ting 7 124 50 8-3/4 1:11:62 37 1 -1 -12 23.48  23.35  24.79 

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
HAPPY TANGO and SUPREME PLUS bumped at the start. After this, from the outside barriers, HAPPY TANGO and SUPREME PLUS were shifted across behind runners in the early stages. HAPPILY FRIENDS shifted out at the start and bumped WHISKEY NEAT. Near the 1100 Metres, FEARLESS FIRE was steadied away from the heels of BULLISH BROTHER (Apprentice C L Chau) which shifted in. Apprentice Chau was reprimanded. Near the 900 Metres, GLENEALY GENERALS (Z Purton) shifted in and bumped AMBITIOUS HEART. GLENEALY GENERALS and AMBITIOUS HEART raced tight approaching and passing the 800 Metres. GLENEALY GENERALS then got its head up when travelling keenly and awkwardly placed close to the heels of CARRY THE DIAMOND passing the 800 Metres. Z Purton was advised to ensure that he avoids making undue contact with other runners. After the 800 Metres, REGENCY POET was left racing wide and without cover. Making the turn after the 600 Metres, SHINING ON was momentarily eased away from the heels of AMBITIOUS HEART which raced tight inside CARRY THE DIAMOND. Passing the 500 Metres, FEARLESS FIRE was awkwardly placed behind GLENEALY GENERALS. Approaching the 400 Metres, AMBITIOUS HEART was steadied when unable to improve between BULLISH BROTHER which shifted out marginally and CARRY THE DIAMOND which, after attempting to shift to the outside of WHISKEY NEAT, shifted back in after being bumped by REGENCY POET. At the entrance to the Straight, CARRY THE DIAMOND raced tight between REGENCY POET and BULLISH BROTHER. Passing the 300 Metres, GLENEALY GENERALS was shifted out away from the heels of REGENCY POET. Passing the 250 Metres, REGENCY POET and CARRY THE DIAMOND bumped. Apprentice C L Chau was warned against the practice of using the whip on his mounts forward of the saddle. A veterinary inspection of GLENEALY GENERALS immediately following the race found that horse to be lame in its right hind leg. Before being allowed to race again, GLENEALY GENERALS will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of and FEARLESS FIRE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. BULLISH BROTHER and WHISKEY NEAT were sent for sampling.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user