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02/04/2023  Class 4  Shatin  Turf  A+3  1400m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 059 - 040   Section Time: (13.46)  (22.11)  (23.71)  (23.96)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 8 ROMANTIC LAOS Z Purton J Richards 5 125 49 2-1/2 1:23:24 4.1 11 -11 -9 -1 14.06  22.51  23.31  23.36 
(12.01 11.30) (11.34 12.02)
2 3 D STAR M Chadwick A S Cruz 7 131 55 2-1/2 1:23:64 20 6 -5 -5 -2 13.70  22.35  23.55  24.04 
(12.05 11.50) (11.82 12.22)
3 10 LADY'S CHOICE A Hamelin C W Chang 10 123 47 2-1/2 1:23:65 66 9 -10 -10 -3 13.94  22.55  23.43  23.73 
(11.97 11.46) (11.46 12.27)
4 5 JUNE PLANET C Y Ho C Fownes 8 129 53 3-1/4 1:23:77 2.9 13 -13 -13 -4 14.14  22.55  23.43  23.65 
(12.01 11.42) (11.46 12.19)
5 9 WIN WIN C L Chau T P Yung 6 122 48 4-1/4 1:23:92 8.6 14 -14 -11 -5 14.38  22.43  23.31  23.80 
(12.01 11.30) (11.46 12.34)
6 6 NATURAL GOLD H Bentley D J Whyte 14 128 52 5-1/4 1:24:07 28 4 -2 -3 -6 13.62  22.11  23.67  24.67 
(12.01 11.66) (11.94 12.73)
7 11 FIRE BALL R Maia C H Yip 12 121 45 6-1/4 1:24:23 43 1 -4 -4 -7 13.46  22.47  23.55  24.75 
(12.05 11.50) (12.02 12.73)
8 2 WIDE BLUE YONDER K Teetan D A Hayes 2 134 58 6-1/4 1:24:24 5.5 7 -8 -7 -8 13.86  22.43  23.47  24.48 
(12.01 11.46) (11.78 12.70)
9 12 SPEEDSTAR K H Chan D J Hall 4 116 45 6-1/4 1:24:26 28 5 -6 -6 -9 13.66  22.47  23.59  24.54 
(12.05 11.54) (11.90 12.64)
10 1 BEAUTY TURN A Badel P C Ng 9 135 59 7 1:24:37 55 3 -3 -2 -10 13.58  22.27  23.43  25.09 
(11.93 11.50) (12.02 13.07)
11 7 HERO ICON S De Sousa K L Man 13 126 50 8-1/2 1:24:62 11 2 -1 -1 -11 13.58  21.99  23.71  25.34 
(12.09 11.62) (12.06 13.28)
12 4 MAGIC TORONADO L Currie W Y So 11 130 54 8-3/4 1:24:63 178 10 -7 -8 -12 14.02  22.15  23.59  24.87 
(12.05 11.54) (12.02 12.85)
13 14 NORDIC COMBINED V Borges R Gibson 3 116 40 8-3/4 1:24:65 16 12 -12 -12 -13 14.10  22.51  23.51  24.53 
(12.09 11.42) (11.58 12.95)
14 13 SHENZHOU TWELVE H T Mo Y S Tsui 1 117 43 16-1/4 1:25:83 180 8 -9 -14 -14 13.90  22.43  24.03  25.47 
(12.17 11.86) (12.10 13.37)

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
NORDIC COMBINED jumped only fairly and then was crowded by SPEEDSTAR which shifted in. D STAR jumped only fairly. Shortly after the start, ROMANTIC LAOS was bumped by WIN WIN which shifted in. R Maia (FIRE BALL) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that near the 1100 Metres he permitted his mount to shift in when not clear of BEAUTY TURN, resulting in that horse being checked to avoid the heels of FIRE BALL. In the circumstances, R Maia was suspended from riding in races for a period to commence on Wednesday, 12 April 2023 and to expire on Sunday, 16 April 2023 on which day he may resume race riding (2 Hong Kong racedays). Near the 900 Metres, BEAUTY TURN, which was inclined to race keenly, was steadied to avoid HERO ICON (S De Sousa) which shifted in when not quite clear. S De Sousa was advised to exercise more care. Approaching the 800 Metres, SPEEDSTAR commenced to race keenly and shifted out and away from FIRE BALL and as a result made contact with D STAR. From the 350 Metres until the 200 Metres, FIRE BALL was held up for clear running. Approaching the 300 Metres, WIDE BLUE YONDER, which had been held up behind NATURAL GOLD, was directed to the outside of that runner in an attempt to obtain clear running, but was steadied when disappointed between NATURAL GOLD and D STAR which shifted in. WIDE BLUE WONDER then did not obtain clear running until near the 150 Metres. Near the 300 Metres, MAGIC TORONADO was inconvenienced when ROMANTIC LAOS shifted out to obtain clear running. Approaching the 250 Metres, NORDIC COMBINED was shifted to the inside of WIDE BLUE YONDER to obtain clear running. WIDE BLUE YONDER was then held up behind BEAUTY TURN for some distance near the 150 Metres. NATURAL GOLD raced wide and without cover for the majority of the event. When questioned regarding the performance of HERO ICON, S De Sousa stated that after being able to cross to obtain a position outside the lead in the early stages, his mount travelled comfortably. He added that approaching the 200 Metres HERO ICON came under pressure, failed to respond to his riding and, in his opinion, may not have been comfortable on today’s surface. A veterinary inspection of HERO ICON immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. A veterinary inspection of NORDIC COMBINED immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. JUNE PLANET, ROMANTIC LAOS and D STAR were sent for sampling.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user