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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 

11/05/2022  Class 4  Happy Valley  Turf  A  1650m   Going: YIELDING  (2.73)   Rating: 058 - 041   Section Time: (27.74)  (24.73)  (24.75)  (25.48)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 2 KYRUS UNICORN B Shinn D J Hall 10 129 54 SH 1:42:70 7.6 10 -10 -9 -1 28.70  24.97  24.83  24.20 
2 8 BLISSFUL STAR K Teetan K H Ting 2 122 47 SH 1:42:71 6.2 4 -5 -6 -2 28.06  24.89  24.99  24.77 
3 3 BIG TWO Z Purton D J Whyte 1 125 50 N 1:42:77 1.9 3 -4 -2 -3 27.94  24.77  24.75  25.31 
4 7 RED IMPACT C Y Ho D A Hayes 3 123 48 3-1/4 1:43:23 9.7 6 -6 -5 -4 28.26  24.89  24.79  25.29 
5 4 CHARIZARD L Hewitson A T Millard 7 123 48 4 1:43:36 10 2 -3 -4 -5 27.86  24.85  25.19  25.46 
6 10 GO FOR TEA A Hamelin F C Lor 5 118 43 4-3/4 1:43:46 26 7 -7 -8 -6 28.26  24.97  25.07  25.16 
7 6 NOBLE STEED L Currie K W Lui 4 123 48 5-1/4 1:43:52 25 8 -8 -7 -7 28.50  24.97  24.79  25.26 
8 5 METHANE L Ferraris A S Cruz 9 123 48 6-3/4 1:43:78 27 9 -9 -10 -8 28.54  24.97  24.99  25.28 
9 1 FAST PACE J Moreira C Fownes 6 133 58 7-3/4 1:43:94 11 1 -1 -1 -9 27.74  24.73  24.75  26.72 
10 9 UNITED ENDEAVORS H W Lai L Ho 8 122 47 10-1/2 1:44:40 102 5 -2 -3 -10 28.10  24.41  25.19  26.70 
11 GREAT TREASURE H T Mo Y S Tsui 9 116 41 -- 0

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
GREAT TREASURE was withdrawn on 10.5.22 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right fore). Before being allowed to race again, GREAT TREASURE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. GO FOR TEA began only fairly and then despite being ridden along in the early stages failed to muster speed. METHANE shifted in at the start and inconvenienced UNITED ENDEAVORS. After this, METHANE was steadied to obtain a position with cover. Also from the outside barrier, KYRUS UNICORN was steadied in the early stages and shifted across behind runners. When being crossed by FAST PACE (J Moreira) approaching the 1300 Metres, BIG TWO commenced to prove very difficult to settle. BIG TWO was then severely checked away from the heels of FAST PACE after the 1200 Metres as the tempo of the race steadied. BIG TWO then continued to over-race and had to be checked away from the heels of FAST PACE until near the 1000 Metres. J Moreira was told that whilst the racing manners of BIG TWO had contributed significantly to this incident which took place over some distance, nonetheless, in the opinion of the Stewards, he had steadied the tempo in such a manner which was going to make it awkward for any horse trailing FAST PACE at the relevant time. Accordingly, he was severely reprimanded and told to ensure that he does not slacken the tempo of races such that horses and riders in trailing positions are not able to adapt in a timely manner to the change in tempo. After the race, it was reported that BIG TWO had sustained a small laceration to the left front leg. After the 1300 Metres, UNITED ENDEAVORS was left racing wide and without cover and passing the 1000 Metres was allowed to improve its position to race outside the lead. A veterinary inspection of FAST PACE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings. BIG TWO, KYRUS UNICORN and BLISSFUL STAR were sent for sampling.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user