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Race No:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

16/01/2011  Class 5  Shatin  All Weather Track  C+3  1200m   Going: GOOD  (10.21)    Rating: 040 - 010   Section Time: (23.84)  (22.27)  (23.88)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 2 KIMBER FORTUNE B Prebble K W Lui 4 132 39 3/4 1:09:99 3.7 5 -5 -1 24.04  22.55  23.40 
2 4 VALUE CHOICE M Guyon A S Cruz 1 131 38 3/4 1:10:12 3.4 3 -1 -2 23.92  22.19  24.01 
3 10 NEWSWIRE TOO D Beadman S Woods 7 124 31 3/4 1:10:12 11 6 -6 -3 24.24  22.51  23.37 
4 5 CITY DRAGON M Chadwick J Moore 2 128 37 2 1:10:30 25 4 -3 -4 23.96  22.43  23.91 
5 9 LUCKY EMPEROR N Callan P F Yiu 11 130 37 2 1:10:33 35 10 -8 -5 24.60  22.35  23.38 
6 8 NICE KING O Doleuze C W Chang 8 129 36 3 1:10:49 18 11 -11 -6 24.92  22.55  23.02 
7 11 FASCINATING SMILE K C Leung P O'Sullivan 10 118 30 3-1/4 1:10:53 32 9 -9 -7 24.52  22.59  23.42 
8 3 DASHING ACE M L Yeung B K Ng 12 126 38 3-3/4 1:10:59 20 2 -2 -8 23.88  22.27  24.44 
9 12 LEAD THE PROSPECTS Z Purton T K Ng 5 118 23 7-1/4 1:11:16 15 7 -7 -9 24.36  22.47  24.33 
10 1 SUPER PEPPER G Mosse C H Yip 9 133 40 12 1:11:90 11 12 -12 -10 25.16  22.35  24.39 
11 7 FAIRY DRAGON W C Marwing Y S Tsui 6 129 36 13 1:12:08 8.1 8 -10 -11 24.40  22.95  24.73 
12 6 KING'S CHOICE T H So L Ho 3 123 37 31-3/4 1:15:08 11 1 -4 -12 23.84  22.75  28.49 
9 VINSANTO N Callan A T Millard 11 129 36 --

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
VINSANTO was withdrawn on 15.1.11 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (blood abnormality) and was replaced by Standby Declared Starter LUCKY EMPEROR (N Callan). Before being allowed to race again, VINSANTO will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. As the start was effected, SUPER PEPPER, which had been fractious in the barriers, reared and then struck its head on the overhead bar. Because of this, SUPER PEPPER lost a considerable amount of ground. Before being allowed to race again, SUPER PEPPER will be required to perform satisfactorily in an official barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. Despite being ridden along in the early stages, FAIRY DRAGON failed to muster speed. Shortly after entering into the Straight, LUCKY EMPEROR was checked away from the heels of KING’S CHOICE which was giving ground abruptly. For the majority of the race, DASHING ACE travelled wide and without cover. A veterinary inspection of KING’S CHOICE after the race revealed that the horse had bled from both nostrils. A veterinary inspection of FAIRY DRAGON after the race did not show any significant findings. KIMBER FORTUNE and VALUE CHOICE were sent for sampling.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user