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12/04/2008  Class 3  Shatin  Turf  C+3  1000m   Going: GOOD  (2.72)   Rating: 080 - 060   Section Time: (13.40)  (20.70)  (22.60)

Rank No Color Horse Jockey Trainer Draw Actual
Rating LBW Finishing
Section Time Cability Idx Flags Overall Rating Verdict
1 3 HOLI RAVIOLI F Coetzee J Size 4 125 72 1-1/2 0:56:70 1.6
2 10 QUICK TOUCH E Saint-Martin C S Shum 2 118 65 1-1/2 0:56:90 13
3 13 STAREILLY K L Chui A S Cruz 6 115 62 2 0:57:00 27
4 12 RICH DRAGON C K Tong C Fownes 11 115 62 2-1/2 0:57:10 69
5 1 PROFITING CHAMPION K T Yeung A Lee 9 133 80 3-1/4 0:57:20 8.6
6 8 BODACIOUS P H Lo Y S Tsui 8 118 65 3-1/2 0:57:30 99
7 7 KEEP ME B Prebble K W Lui 5 119 66 3-3/4 0:57:30 8.2
8 14 SUPER GENERAL M W Leung K L Man 7 114 61 4 0:57:40 34
9 11 KUNG FU G Boss D Cruz 10 117 64 4-1/2 0:57:40 10
10 2 EIGHT PLUS NINE M Guyon A Lee 3 128 75 4-3/4 0:57:50 26
11 6 MASSIVE STAR Y T Cheng C H Yip 13 123 70 6 0:57:70 82
12 4 FLYING SPRINTER M Du Plessis T W Leung 12 126 73 6-3/4 0:57:80 99
13 5 LUCKY FRUIT O Doleuze P O'Sullivan 1 123 70 7-1/2 0:57:90 23
14 9 CLASSA BETTER H W Lai L Ho 14 118 65 8 0:58:00 99
4 WIN-A-LOT M Guyon S Woods 12 125 72 --

Steward Report Predict Pace Map
WIN-A-LOT was withdrawn on 11.4.08 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (right hind fetlock laceration) and was replaced by Standby Declared Starter FLYING SPRINTER (M Du Plessis). Before being allowed to race again, WIN-A-LOT will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. SUPER GENERAL and QUICK TOUCH began awkwardly. KEEP ME bounded in the air at the start and shortly afterwards was steadied away from the heels of STAREILLY which shifted in. Passing the 900 Metres, EIGHT PLUS NINE got its head up when being steadied after being crowded for room between BODACIOUS which shifted out slightly and QUICK TOUCH which was taken in by LUCKY FRUIT. No action was taken. Near the 800 Metres, SUPER GENERAL got its head up when being shifted out across the heels of RICH DRAGON. For some distance after this, SUPER GENERAL proved difficult to settle and approaching the 400 Metres was checked to avoid the heels of RICH DRAGON which itself was checked away from the heels of MASSIVE STAR. After this, RICH DRAGON was shifted to the outside of MASSIVE STAR to improve. Near the 200 Metres, SUPER GENERAL was steadied away from the heels of BODACIOUS and then a short distance later was again steadied away from the heels of MASSIVE STAR. Approaching the 100 Metres, FLYING SPRINTER was steadied when crowded for room outside CLASSA BETTER. At the 100 Metres, RICH DRAGON shifted in abruptly when checked away from the heels of PROFITING CHAMPION, in doing so shifted in, resulting in MASSIVE STAR and SUPER GENERAL being inconvenienced. Over the concluding stages, RICH DRAGON was awkwardly placed outside the heels of STAREILLY which shifted out slightly. When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of KUNG FU, G Boss said the horse over-raced today with PROFITING CHAMPION racing directly to his inside. He said due to the manner in which KUNG FU raced in the early and middle stages the horse was unable to finish its race off and weakened over the concluding stages. PROFITING CHAMPION and KUNG FU were sent for an official veterinary inspection. After the race, PROFITING CHAMPION was examined by the Veterinary Officer. He said an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of mucopus in the horse's trachea. A veterinary inspection of KUNG FU after the race did not show any significant findings. HOLI RAVIOLI and QUICK TOUCH were sent for sampling.

+ - Trump Card
* - Priority to Run
() - Order of Trainer Preference
MA288 Rating - Included Handicap Adjustment
- Under Rated
- Gain benefit in rating
- Reach last winning rating
- Good in sectional
- Did win in wet track
- Placed in wet track
- Won in Soft or Heavy Track
- Placed in Soft or Heavy Track
- Improve after jockey change
- Work Hardly
- Only available for Professional Plan user